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Wooden Containers: 5 Key Steps to Prepare Your Product to Ship

Be prepared... that's the Boy Scout's solemn creed! MexLucky feels the same way... about your packaging!

Here are 5 more key steps to prepare your product to be packaged and shipped in wooden containers.

I've seen enough! I want to...

Wood Crate

inside wooden container

1. Confirm

wooden container measuring tape

Always double check the weight and dimensions of your product you are packing into your wooden containers.

Watch our How to Measure a Part for Packaging Video

2. Method

wooden container transported by airplane

Decide on your method of transport via air, water or ground keep in mind weight restrictions that may apply to your wooden containers.

Are there customs regulations that will apply to your shipment? Overseas shipments require the use of heat treated wood

3. Description

wooden container

Come up with terms to describe your product like fragile, moisture sensitive, heavy, etc. This will assist in the initial design needs of your product's packaging and any additional warning or stencils on the outside of your wooden containers.

4. Handling

wooden container supported by forklift

Find out how the package will be handled by the end user, like their receiving capabilities, how long the package will be stored or if they plan on reusing it.

5. Artwork

wooden container painted

Decide on the artwork or stenciling you'll want on the packaging like your logo or special handling instructions.

MexLucky can create custom stencils for your packaging needs.

Topics: Wood

MexLucky Company

Written by MexLucky Company

MexLucky demonstrates what is possible beyond just the typical wooden crate. This specialty crating manufacturer works with a wide variety of materials from wood to plastic, corrugated, metals and more. Discover how to take specialty crating to the next level.