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This Shipping Crate Makes A Strong Statement

Have you ever really looked at shipping crates? OK, so they aren’t meant to be gawked at, but if you stop and stare for just a minute, you’ll notice how “nature’s building material” has the ability to transform even the most industrial solutions into striking solutions.

shipping crate

The benefits of the beauty of wood go way beyond aesthetics. Because shipping crates stand out in a sea of other containers, whether plain or custom built to order, they are simply easier to monitor so workers will certainly notice if something is amiss—or headed in that direction.


Wood as a building medium

  • shipping crateDurable and withstands greater amounts of weight than other softer materials
  • Reusable year after year, so you save money in the long-run
  • Stackable which helps create more space in small areas
  • Customizable which allows you virtually endless possibilities to meet your requirements

Constructing crates with wood is also Environmentally friendly:

shipping crate
  1. Wood is a sustainable resource
  2. Wood stores carbon dioxide
  3. Manufacturing wood products requires smaller amounts of energy
  4. Wood processing residues can be reused in many positive ways

Shipping Crates Custom Built to Order

We already know that shipping crates make a strong statement.

shipping crateAdd your own specifications and the crate becomes:

  • Vibration free ride- Your product is kept more secure because you get to choose the best securement methods for you (eg. bracing, blocking, bolting, steel strapping, etc.)
  • Custom Fit - Effective at handling your unique weight distribution and dimension needs through the use of internal wood structures like saddles, supports, and load bearing members.
  • Branded - With additions such as paint, stenciling, and hardware your wood box can be an excellent representation of your brand because the design is uniquely yours.
  • Eliminate wasted space - A perfect fit for your shipping run, so you’ll eliminate excess weight which saves you money upfront.

Topics: Wood

MexLucky Company

Written by MexLucky Company

MexLucky demonstrates what is possible beyond just the typical wooden crate. This specialty crating manufacturer works with a wide variety of materials from wood to plastic, corrugated, metals and more. Discover how to take specialty crating to the next level.