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10 Things to Know Before Buying Shipping Crates

shipping crate

So you’re in the market for some new wooden shipping crates but you want to make sure to pick the best supplier.

You need to consider these boxes have the super-important job of protecting your products on their final journey to your customer.

In this article we address common claims of companies who manufacture shipping crates and what they really mean. So, its probably a good idea to read this article before buying your next batch of wooden shipping crates.

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#1 Custom

custom built

When the company that provides crate manufacturing boasts that their wooden shipping crates are "custom built" know that of course they're custom!

Your company manufactures unique or sophisticated or highly technical parts. A wood box that will accommodate your precious cargo isn't just sitting on a shelf somewhere.

The wooden shipping crates you buy must perform especially for your product. Any wood crate company should be asking about the weight of your product, the center of gravity, and attachment points. The wooden shipping crates you buy should be:

  • Built to the proper dimensions to fit your part
  • Built with enough structure to support the weight of your part
  • Built with enough internal components to secure your part to the deck.

So when that crating company is telling you all about how their boxes are made-to-order... Know that every box company should be doing that.

#2 On-Site Packing


Most crating companies provide on-site packing services. All you need to know is

1) "What's your hourly rate?"

2) "Do you charge for travel?"

#3 High Quality

high quality

Most wood crate companies brag about their "high quality"... but are they really gonna say that they make sub-par boxes? We think not.

Ask them to put their money where their mouth is and request a first article and a copy of their Quality Assurance Manual.

Another way to be prepared for company claims of "high quality" is to educate yourself about the structural components built into boxes.

MexLucky created a wooden crate design cheat sheet to help you out!


#4 Customer Service

customer service

Phrases like "excellent customer service" are easier said than done. Let their actions speak louder than words:

  • Does the company reply to your online request form the same day?
  • Does someone answer when you pick up the phone and call?
  • Does your rep call/email back in a timely manner?
  • Does your rep keep you in the loop during design, manufacturing, and delivery?

MexLucky feels that customer service is an attitude, not a department. Trained crating experts build a relationship with customers and take the time necessary to fully understand each client’s crating needs.

#5 Computer-Aided Design (CAD)


Do you design your product using CAD or 3D modeling software? You should be able to send your files to the crate manufacturer (after an NDA of course) in order to have the company design the perfect wooden shipping crate around your product.

Download all the files we accept at MexLucky Company


#6 Creative Solutions


Know that most outer boxes are similarly built. But just like your Mom used to say "It's what's on inside that counts."

The company providing your crate manufacturing should be able to offer creative solutions to tie down, hold in place, or otherwise secure your product inside the box.

After all, they are the crating experts, right?

#7 Guarantee

guarantee quality

Does the company providing crate manufacturing have a Guarantee?

Asking for the company's Guarantee Policy will help you to determine if the crate company is willing to stand behind its design and construction.

Download MexLucky's Guarantee

MexLucky Limited Guarantee.png

#8 Adding Steel for Superior Strength

high quality gray crates

Sometimes when you need to crate an extremely heavy load... wood just won't do the trick.

Having a crate manufacturer that can integrate steel into the design to increase the structural integrity of the wooden crate is hard to find.

Guess what...MexLucky can do that.

#9 Lead time

crates on truck

Let's face it, you're a busy person probably juggling a lot of responsibility and maybe, just maybe, you've left the crate order to the last minute.

Having the company providing your crate manufacturing gives you accurate lead times is critical. Knowing the crating provider’s lead time can help you to calculate the last possible moment you can submit a purchase order and get your crates on time.

Sure companies will say they have "on-time delivery". But at this point in the [new] relationship it’s just promises and the company may say they "can meet your deadline" but then fall short.

However, asking for a commitment up front for timely deliveries will communicate to the vendor that you'll be evaluating their delivery performance. If they don’t meet your deadlines, it’s up to you if you want to give them another shot or try another vendor.

MexLucky utilizes Just In Time (JIT) deliveries, which is a practice that is used in many industries to assure that production is not interrupted by shortages.

#10 On-site Quoting


Measurements are critical when it comes to wooden crate design. That's why MexLucky offers free on-site quotes.

Here's how it works:

  • A Crating Expert will visit your location & take measurements of your part
  • They will gain an understanding of the production line, learn about the capabilities of end users and obtain a clear understanding of all special requests.
  • Then they head back to MexLucky headquarters in San Diego, CA, and work with the MexLucky engineering team to develop the perfect crate for your product.
  • The Crating Expert will send you the quote and walk you through the intricacies of the design.

I want to start designing my custom wooden crate!
Wood Crate

Topics: Wood

Alicia Guillette

Written by Alicia Guillette

Alicia Guillette, is now the third generation of family involved at MexLucky Company. Starting in 2006, she has taken MexLucky into the digital age by developing a new web presence, implementing enterprise resource management tools and expanding the product line to include material handling equipment.